Dear Mr Lee

I am writing on behalf of my impending study at Kyungpook National
University to request that you be so kind as to permit me to take an
extra course in Academic Korean Speaking in addition to those I
mentioned in Course Registration Sheet.

As far as the classes taught in English are concerned, I would be glad
to have an opportunity to study almost all subjects referred to Korea
and its culture. Furthermore, I am particularly interested in Korean
History. However, it is going without saying that intensive learning of
Korean language is of vital importance for me.

Unfortunately, according to the schedule I received, it appears to be
that Academic Korean Speaking overlaps History of Korea on Tuesday.
Would it be possible to attend classes on Academic Korean Speaking at
least once a week? I consider myself to be a responsible and
hard-working student so I am willing to do extra homework and

I would be delighted if you would consider the request outlined in this
letter and I would like to thank you for your time and cooperation in
this matter.

Yours sincerely
Bykova Alexandra

Каким только красноречивым не будешь, чтобы позволили сделать так, как хочется... ))
Похоже, я была достаточно убедительна - мне разрешили-таки посещать еще один предмет.