"To be honest, I have no idea of team work, in Russia we've never practised it, so I always rely on myself. And now am I supposed to make a presentation about a person I barely know?? No way.You must be joking".
That was what I exactly thought about our presentation. I did not like the idea of team work, I did not want to be flexible and cooperative and I did not want to share responsibilities with someone. However, my partner had a little bit more positive attitude towards me and our project.
“She’s serious, motivated and extremely focused on what she wants to achieve. Not bad, we’ll probably make a nice presentation”.
And we did make it. Our presentation was the best one, we were so enthusiastic, so friendly, so self-confident while presenting it. I even guess nobody understood how tough the process of preparation turned out to be. We spent several days collecting information about each other, we met at gym, we drank coffee together, we met after the classes in the late evening, we wrote dozens of emails to each other.
And all this time we were treating each other so badly that now I really feel sorry about it.
- So, what about your dislikes, Taewoo?
- Mmm... My partner.
- Sorry, what did you say??!!
- I said I don't like you!! What's this, I wonder?! How on earth are you planning to cover 25 slides in 6 minutes, you stubborn idiot???!!
- Good, shall we meet at three o'clock?
- I have classes.
- Then five?
- I still have classes.
- Ok, damn you! Let's meet at six.
- I have Korean Language 3.
- Godness!! Have you ever spent a day doing nothing?!!
- Would you like to start?
- Sure.
- Fuck. I was going to do it.
I mean, it was really tough for both of us. But at the end of our work I suddenly realized that I would certainly miss him. I even said sorry for all my kicks and abuses. The truth is that I don't hate him at all. Hope he haven't taken what I said the wrong way.
Well, it took a lot of effort to make our relationship work. Was it worth it? Hope yes. I wish we'll remain on friendly terms.
Darling, you're absolutely amazing. With your enthusiasm and strong-will you can do whatever you want, you can achieve whatever you want. You have this mode of "just do it" and I highly appreciate it. I'll certainly miss our cooperation too, it was sooo fun (don't know why actually but!) but also very constructive, so thank you, Alex! I'm sure that we'll have other opportunities very soon..
Thank you. Actually I had the best partner one could only dream of.
A few words about team work
| воскресенье, 03 апреля 2011