Что-то кончится, что-то начнется. А. Сапковский
Так мало нужно, чтобы улыбка озарила лицо, а уставшие глаза радостно и весело заблестели.
My darling, you act so childish. Pull yourself together, calm down!
Sorry, can't help it.
I'm twenty but now I feel like a shy little girl going round in circles of doubts and guesses.
I was going to study hard, I was going to sleep for about eight hours, I was going to...
I was going to be absolutely patient and tranquil.
Oh, goodness!.. What I got instead!..
My darling, you act so childish. Pull yourself together, calm down!
Sorry, can't help it.
I'm twenty but now I feel like a shy little girl going round in circles of doubts and guesses.
I was going to study hard, I was going to sleep for about eight hours, I was going to...
I was going to be absolutely patient and tranquil.
Oh, goodness!.. What I got instead!..